Source code for StructuredData.SDshelllibTxt


implements the text layer of StructuredData.

import StructuredData.SDshelllibBase as base
import StructuredData.SDshelllibFun as fun

__version__="5.1.1" #VERSION#

assert __version__==base.__version__
assert __version__==fun.__version__

# pylint: disable=invalid-name

write_defaults= fun.write_defaults

error= fun.error

# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

help =


_format_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption(
        "raw"        :0,
        "yaml"       :0,
        "py"         :0,
        "csv"        :0,
        "aligned"    :0,

[docs]def format(val, formatspec=""): """formats a value according to the given format. """ (format_,)= _format_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) if format_=="aligned": return base.aligned(val) return base.multi(format_, val, base.csvdelim)
# pylint: enable=redefined-builtin string2pathkey = fun.string2pathkey pathkey2string = fun.pathkey2string _splitpath_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["yaml"] )
[docs]def splitpath(path, formatspec=""): """splits a path according to the rules. """ (format_,)= _splitpath_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.splitpath(path), base.csvdelim)
_joinpath_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["raw"] )
[docs]def joinpath(keys, formatspec=""): """joins a path according to the rules. """ (format_,)= _joinpath_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.joinpath(keys), base.csvdelim)
_combinepaths_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["raw"] )
[docs]def combinepaths(paths, formatspec=""): """combines paths according to the rules. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name (format_,)= _combinepaths_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.combinepaths(paths), base.csvdelim)
_addpaths_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["raw"] )
[docs]def addpaths(path1, path2, formatspec=""): """combines paths according to the rules. """ (format_,)= _addpaths_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.addpaths(path1, path2), base.csvdelim)
_poppath_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["raw"] )
[docs]def poppath(path, formatspec="", no=1): """removes parts of a path from the end. """ (format_,)= _poppath_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.poppath(path, no), base.csvdelim)
_substpath_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["raw"] )
[docs]def substpath(path, pattern, formatspec=""): """removes parts of a path from the end. """ (format_,)= _substpath_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) return base.multi(format_, fun.substpath(path, pattern), base.csvdelim)
read= write= fun.write copy= fun.copy clear_store= fun.clear_store clear_types= fun.clear_types filter_out = fun.filter_out _paths_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "csv" :0, "raw" :0, "hidelinks" :1, "marklinks" :1, }, ["yaml", "hidelinks"] )
[docs]def paths(pattern="*", formatspec="", paths= None, sdc= None): """returns a list of all matching paths in a StructuredDataContainer.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name (format_, _)= _paths_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) m= fun.paths(pattern, paths= paths, sdc=sdc) if format_=='csv': packed= [ [x] for x in m ] return base.as_csv(packed, base.csvdelim) return base.multi(format_, m)
_find_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "csv" :0, "aligned" :0, "raw" :0, "hidelinks" :1, "marklinks" :1, }, ["aligned", "hidelinks"] ) FIND_SIMPLE= fun.FIND_SIMPLE FIND_IPATTERN= fun.FIND_IPATTERN FIND_REGEXP= fun.FIND_REGEXP
[docs]def internal_find(type_, pattern, path_list= None, formatspec="", sdc= None): """internal find function. This is used to cover several flavours of find functions. """ (format_, linkspec)= _find_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) m= fun.internal_find(type_, pattern, path_list= path_list, show_links= (linkspec=="marklinks"), sdc= sdc) if format_=="aligned": l=0 for (k,_) in m: if len(k)>l: l=len(k) d= dict(m) res= [] for k in sorted(d.keys()): res.append("%s: %s" % (k.ljust(l),d[k])) return "\n".join(res) # pylint: disable= no-else-return if format_=="raw": return m elif format_=="yaml": return base.yaml(dict(m)) elif format_=='py': return elif format_=='csv': return base.as_csv(m, base.csvdelim) else: error(ValueError, "ERROR: unexpected format_:%s" % format_) return fun.std_return
[docs]def find(pattern, formatspec="", paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a given pattern. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_find(fun.FIND_SIMPLE, pattern=pattern, formatspec= formatspec, path_list= paths, sdc=sdc)
[docs]def ifind(pattern, formatspec="", paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a given "i"-pattern. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_find(fun.FIND_IPATTERN, pattern=pattern, formatspec= formatspec, path_list= paths, sdc=sdc)
[docs]def rxfind(pattern, formatspec="", paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a given regexp. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_find(fun.FIND_REGEXP, pattern=pattern, formatspec= formatspec, path_list= paths, sdc=sdc)
FINDVAL_SIMPLE= fun.FINDVAL_SIMPLE FINDVAL_IPATTERN= fun.FINDVAL_IPATTERN FINDVAL_REGEXP= fun.FINDVAL_REGEXP _findval_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "csv" :0, "aligned" :0, "raw" :0, "hidelinks" :1, "marklinks" :1, }, ["aligned", "hidelinks"] )
[docs]def internal_findval(type_, val_pattern, pattern= None, path_list= None, formatspec="", sdc= None): """internal findval function. This is used to cover several flavours of findval functions. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments (format_, linkspec)= _findval_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) m= fun.internal_findval(type_, val_pattern, show_links= (linkspec=="marklinks"), pattern= pattern, path_list= path_list, sdc= sdc) # pylint: disable= no-else-return if format_=="raw": return m elif format_=="aligned": return base.aligned(m) elif format_=="yaml": return base.yaml(dict(m)) elif format_=='py': return elif format_=='csv': return base.as_csv(m, base.csvdelim) else: error(ValueError, "ERROR: unexpected format_:%s" % format_) return fun.std_return
[docs]def findval(value, formatspec="", pattern= None, paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a given value. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_findval(fun.FINDVAL_SIMPLE, val_pattern= value, pattern= pattern, path_list= paths, formatspec= formatspec, sdc=sdc)
[docs]def ifindval(val_pattern, formatspec="", pattern= None, paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a value matching an "i"-pattern. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_findval(fun.FINDVAL_IPATTERN, val_pattern= val_pattern, pattern= pattern, path_list= paths, formatspec= formatspec, sdc=sdc)
[docs]def rxfindval(val_pattern, formatspec="", pattern= None, paths= None, sdc= None): """return paths and values for a value matching a regexp. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return internal_findval(fun.FINDVAL_REGEXP, val_pattern= val_pattern, pattern= pattern, path_list= paths, formatspec= formatspec, sdc=sdc)
_get_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, "hidelinks" :1, "marklinks" :1, }, ["raw", "hidelinks"] )
[docs]def get(pattern, formatspec="", paths= None, sdc= None): """get a part of the structure for a given pattern.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name (format_, linkspec)= _get_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) val= fun.get(pattern, show_links= (linkspec=="marklinks"), paths= paths, sdc= sdc) if val is None: return None return base.multi(format_, val)
change= fun.change put= fun.put delete= fun.delete link= refresh_links= fun.refresh_links _get_links_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["yaml"] ) _find_links_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["yaml"] ) _typepaths_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :1, "py" :1, "csv" :1, "raw" :1, }, ["yaml"] )
[docs]def typepaths(pattern="*", formatspec="", sdc= None): """find typepaths for a pattern.""" (format_,)= _typepaths_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) m= fun.typepaths(pattern, sdc= sdc) if format_=='csv': m= [ [x] for x in m ] return base.as_csv(m, base.csvdelim) return base.multi(format_, m)
_typefind_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :1, "py" :1, "csv" :1, "aligned" :1, "raw" :1, }, ["aligned"] )
[docs]def typefind(pattern, formatspec="", sdc= None): """find a type for a pattern.""" (format_,)= _typefind_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) m= fun.typefind(pattern, sdc= sdc) if format_=="aligned": return base.aligned(m) return base.multi(format_, m)
_typeget_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["yaml"] )
[docs]def typeget(path, formatspec="", sdc= None): """get a type for a path.""" (format_,)= _typeget_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) val= fun.typeget(path= path, sdc= sdc) if val is None: return None return base.multi(format_, val)
typeput= fun.typeput typeadditem= fun.typeadditem typedelete= fun.typedelete typedeleteitem= fun.typedeleteitem typecheck= fun.typecheck _typematch_formatspec_obj= base.MultiStringOption( { "yaml" :0, "py" :0, "raw" :0, }, ["yaml"] )
[docs]def typematch(path, formatspec="", sdc= None): """try to find a typecheck for the given path. """ (format_,)= _typematch_formatspec_obj.parse(formatspec) val= fun.typematch(path, fun.sdc_get(sdc)) if val is None: error(ValueError, "ERROR: StructuredDataContainer contains no type information") return val return base.multi(format_, val)